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Learn more about the tool development by reading the following news coverage:
Western News - Western researchers create online resource to support physical activity for children with disabilities. February 7, 2023.
Western Health Sciences, Stories with Impact - Connecting local families to physical activity resources for children with disabilities. January 25, 2023

Research consistently tells us that children’s environments shape opportunities for physical activity engagement, which further influences their physical health, social skills, and emotional wellbeing. The 2022 Report Card on Children and Youth from ParticipACTION Canada indicated that roughly 80% of Canadian children aged 5-17 are not engaging in at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each day. Furthermore, the Para Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities assigned Canadians a grade of D for overall physical activity and sedentary behaviours. This means most Canadians aged 5-17 years with disabilities are not engaging in enough physical activity each day to achieve the benefits to health and wellbeing. To improve the quantity and quality of physical activity experiences for children and adolescents with disabilities, the Canadian Disability Participation Project recommends promoting inclusive physical activity opportunities in the sport and recreation sector, as a positive first step to supporting physical activity levels. We hope that the Everyone Can Play resource will connect London families with new opportunities for recreation in our community and inspire interest in sports and activities which they otherwise may have been unaware of.