Dr. Trish Tucker
Faculty, Lab Director

Dr. Trish Tucker is a Professor in the School of Occupational Therapy and the Director of the Child Health & Physical Activity Lab at Western University. Dr. Tucker’s expertise are in the broad areas of health promotion, physical activity, and childhood obesity prevention. Her primary area of research is the measurement and promotion of physical activity with a particular focus on preschool-aged children.
Trish’s current research includes:
(1) identifying and modifying environmental influences on young children’s physical activity and sedentary time at childcare;
(2) exploring the effects of introducing physical activity policies in childcare centres; and
(3) developing and testing an online physical activity training module for implementation during early childhood educators’ pre-service schooling.
Dr. Tucker’s research potential has been recognized by an Ontario Early Researcher Award (reserved for emerging scholarly leaders within their respective fields) and the Petro Canada Young Innovator Award at Western University, and in 2020 she was designated Faculty Scholar in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Western. Trish has two young kids who keep her very active.
Email: ttucker2@uwo.ca